Steve Greentree – Surrey County Council Candidate for Knaphill and Goldsworth West
Steve Greentree has been a Councillor for Woking Borough Council since May 2023 and wants to contribute to the change Surrey County Council so greatly needs. The Conservatives have controlled this Council for most of the last fifty years and the results are disappointingly clear: the council now faces a financial crisis, with debt expected to reach £1.2 billion by 2028. Experienced people with fresh ideas are needed.
Steve has served on both the Audit and Governance, and the Finance and Resources Scrutiny Committees of Woking Borough Council. His background in governance and internal audit has given him valuable insight into how local authorities can make better decisions.
As a Woking councillor and the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Well-Being, Steve Greentree understands the financial pressures facing local authorities. But he also recognises the challenges these pressures bring to much needed but non-statutory services. He fought to protect those vital services —like community meals and home alarms— that were at risk.
Steve said, ”I want to help Surrey County Council get back on track, and, if elected in May, I will work to ensure that residents’ needs are at the heart of every decision made by the Council.”