Cllr Liam Lyons
Phone:- 01483 764050
Email:- liam.lyons@wokinglibdems.org.uk
Liam Lyons was re-elected as the Lib Dem candidate for Mount Hermon in the Borough Council elections on 5 May 2022.
Liam Lyons is a teacher at a secondary school in Woking, and former school governor of three local schools. He has lived in Mount Hermon for the past 16 years, and has represented the ward on the Council for most of that time.
He works hard to make changes in the ward that make a difference for the people who live there, including supporting residents with planning concerns, removing graffiti from Woking Park, installing a new community-use defibrillator and improving mobility access to the Pool in the Park.
Liam is keen to reduce Woking Borough Council's carbon footprint and he campaigns for more family homes. He is also a keen runner.