Phone:- 07932700586
Email:- leslie.rice@wokinglibdems.org.uk
Leslie Rice, a resident of Heathlands, has been a Liberal Democrat’s councillor for the Heathlands Ward of Woking Borough Council since May 2023. Leslie was born in Woking to parents who worked at St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey. His parents’ work called for a move away from the area and Leslie’s schooling was in Liverpool.
He is an economics graduate and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. His career was in finance and banking, latterly focusing on Risk Management.
Leslie lived and worked in seven Arab countries as well as in Denmark, where he was Chief of Finance at the United Nation’s Children’s Fund - UNICEF.
He is a keen walker and enjoys the Surrey countryside, especially after living in several desert locations.
Leslie would like to see improved needs-based services for residents and much better transparency and governance of the council’s financial management. He brings skills and experiences from an international career in finance, banking and risk management, and, if elected, will provide valuable expertise in tackling the debt and finances of Woking Borough Council.